Quickshortcutmaker 4 0 apk
Long-tap the home screen. Drag it to somewhere on the screen. Cette application permet aux utilisateurs de créer des raccourcis pour les applications, les . QuickShortcutMaker est. This is the current latest version update available.
So make sure to take this one if you have enough space . Ice Cream Sandwich MR . AddedItalian and Arabic translations. Fixed a bug that the shortcut for . Aller à Changelog v2. Create shortcuts quickly and launch your favorite . It is easy and simple. There are mainly two . Added Italian and Arabic translations.
Here is where the quick shortcut maker app enters to help. Your device should be at least android version 4. The anti-virus must . Simple but interesting program. You de-system activities that shortcuts can install all apps . APK برابط مباشر - MB. L versión del archivo apk - 2. This quick shortcut maker apk could help us quick launch some common features by create short cut keys, Like: Adjusts the volume with quick shortcut maker.
Step: Install quickshortcutmaker 2. Translations into Italian and Arabic have been added. Activity list is now grouped by app. Keywords quick, shortcut, maker ,. This app can create a shortcut to an . Operating System controls all basic operations of the. Your android device version should be at least 4. Current Version of XOS - Launcher,Theme,Wallpaper - 4. Baixe Smart Screen On-Off 4. Download Samsung Smart Switch v3.
Marshmallow features. Android de graça, sem nenhum vírus, .
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