Yum install specific version

It gives you a list like package . Show all versions of a package. Downgrade a package. Force to install the particular version. To install a specific version of a package we must know the available package version in our repository. Yum ignores specific versoins and will always install the latest version available.

Specifiying a particular version does NOT work, even when it . Using yum lets check how to install specific version of packages from repository. Then use the following to install a specific version that . First, you need to check for all the available versions of a package, whether installed or . To find the version numbers of installed packages, you can use rpm. AFAIK, yum info only shows information for one specific instance of a . Aller à Uninstall old versions — Older versions of Docker were called docker or docker-engine. If these are installed , uninstall them, along with associated . In this tutorial, I will use YUM command to install specific version of Package. You are reading the latest community version of the Ansible documentation.

If repoquery is not available, install yum -utils. On RPM distributions, force the package version in your package manager - all older versions are published in the YUM metadata and should be available. By default, yum installs the latest version of a package among the all versions available in enabled repositories. Often it is required to install not . My understanding is that by specifying the specific version of the package, I can install the older version , if the data is available in the repo.

So instead of: yum. DBAs often need to install the same, sometimes older , MySQL version on all production databases. Przemysław Malkowski explains how to do . We have many ways to install MySQL on linux machines such as source, . Erlang is not available in default YUM repository, hence you will need to install EPEL repository. If you want to apply only one . Install Specific Version of MySQL using YUM. As bugs happen in software development, I sometimes want to downgrade to the previous release , so force the installation of a specific version of . Yum install firefox specific version.

But in the exercise hint yum install firefox was given as the solution. To install the specific version , you need to get the version list from yum. Use the following command to get the list of available Jenkins versions.

YUM , and you would like to upgrade to a specific version , then just . Every once in a while you may need to install a specific version of a package on your system. So, in this blog post, we will look at how to install a specific version of MySQL using yum. All the following steps . E apt-get install gitlab- runner=10.

Display current version of installed package. How to downgrade package using yum. Learn how to use the yum tool to install a specific version of a package on Linux systems.

This article gives you the knowledge to work with . You can select a specific version to install by including it in the yum install. Kibana version (which now is .1) - how can i install a specific version (l am looking for Kibana .0).


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